#IMMOOC Week 2: Staying Positive with an Innovator’s Mindset

I’m struggling.

I’m struggling to stay positive while trying to, what seems like, moving mountains and making change. Teachers are begging for change. They want to reach ALL kids. They want to have high expectations. They want kids to know they are cared for. They want to do right by their students day in and day out, but they also want to be less stressed. They want to find the joy in teaching again. They want less compliancy and more empowerment. They want to be treated as professionals that are able to make decisions as to what is best for kids.

So when you are trying to change things and make things better, there is a heavy weight on your shoulders. There is a level of skepticism and if you have the honor of teachers actually coming around and believing in you to create that change, you better come through.

I have hope though…

I am rooted in what makes someone an innovator. I refer to George Couros’ 8 Characteristics of Innovators to help me keep on keepin’ on the path of change.

1.) Empathetic – I am empathetic to Teachers’ needs, at least I genuinely try to be.  Sometimes I might take on too much of teachers’ feelings. I go to bat for teachers and have their back on so many issues. I find positivity in the fact that I have administration that is willing to listen to what I have to say.

2.) Problem Finders – I pride myself in being able to bring people together to discuss problems and find solutions. And if we don’t find solutions we find positivity in the process.

3.) Risk-Takers – For me if I take a risk I usually go big. So when they risk fails I take it hard. I take it personally. I know this about myself so I do my best to talk myself into a good mindset and I try to remember how thrilling and exciting it is to take risks. I find positivity when my risks pay off. I understand and accept that not all things will work out on the first try so I keep going!

4.) Networked – I find ENERGY is being networked. I turn to my colleagues, my mentor, a friend, or my PLN to talk through and process. It’s an energy like no other! What’s not to love!?!? So much positivity!

5.) Observant – I watch. I listen. I don’t miss much. I notice when someone seems off. I notice when teachers are not saying a word but saying so much. I watch what people are doing, how they are doing it, and most importantly WHY they are doing it. I watch for trends. I watch for successes. I watch for ways to support.  I find the positivity in having the opportunity to continually learn and support.

6.) Creators – This is my favorite characteristic. I am an idea person. I NEED people to take my ideas and process with me until I can get it out and create a plan. It is exciting. I find positivity in empowering others to join me in my creations making it OUR creations!

7.) Resilient – I am ALL in! Work hard, play hard, right!?!? This is what makes me want to push out the negativity! I find the positivity in being strong enough to bounce back and if a massage or a pedicure (#PDicure) helps me bounce back then so be it!

8.) Reflective – Sooooo, I mean, I started a blog. What more do you want!?!? Seriously though, blog or no blog, some days I feel like i reflect more than I breath! (Wait, is that a good thing?) When the reflections becomes negative and becomes a comparison or a shoulda, woulda, coulda, and I feel that weight on my shoulders, I know I need to stop myself and go back and focus on the positive.

Soooooo… I do it all over again.

1.) Empathetic…

One Reply to “#IMMOOC Week 2: Staying Positive with an Innovator’s Mindset”

  1. I love this! It’s like you took words right out of my mouth! I feel you, sister!!! No one said this work would be easy, but we must remember it will be worth it. You are not alone in the fight! 🙂

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